Is Deer Hunting For The Birds?

Carefully, I chose my steps. The herd of deer was out in an open field, as was I. Too sudden a movement and they’d spook, and I was trying to get as close as I could to take my shot.

Two or three more steps and another pause, a bit parallel, a bit closer. I’m taking care not to stare, to pretend I’m just doing my own disinterested thing. There were 14 in the herd. It would only take one to interpret my nonchalant amble as the stalking that it was and set the alarm.  40 yards away now.

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The Birds And The Bees

There comes a time in every person’s life that a certain discussion needs to be had, either as the presenter of certain life-affirming facts, or as the recipient.  While I suspect most of you gentle readers would consider yourselves well versed in these facts, perhaps today I can shed a new light upon them.

Yes, today we’re going to talk about the birds and the bees.

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Crystal Rhodies, Take 2

A year ago I took you on a tour through the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Gardens in Portland. I had the best of intentions at the time, bringing along my digital SLR and extra lens, but upon arrival discovered I wasn’t fully loaded for bear – I’d left the SLR’s memory card at home and was obliged to shoot with the phone camera. This year we went again, and I remembered all the good gear.  Did it make any difference?

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