Rhode Show

Time to get amped, the rhodies have been busy and the show is on!

Ready to rock and roll?

Setting the scene, we return to the rhododendron gardens, site of lovely flowers and rude ducks who think nothing of mooning their onlookers. And I find myself in the quandary of finding something new to say about a garden that I introduced last year and chatted up again a few weeks ago. But the thing is, I have few words, and there were so many purty petals propagated in the park I had to pare my last presentation.  Plenty more pictures pend.

So this time around, we’ll shorten the selection of silly sentences and stick to the scenes.






It is time now to see how well you’ve been paying attention. Was it amped up? What’s missing?

Did we somehow get a show without the rhodies doing their thing? Some rhode trip that would be.




And to finish, something to reflect on…


Author: Dave Ply

See https://daveplyadventures.wordpress.com/about/

25 thoughts on “Rhode Show”

  1. You know I’m crazy about rhododendrons, but there are so many other delights here today with them. I am partial to the first two (yellow, and blue-and-white) and the ducks are always cute!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That was the problem with that trip to the gardens – I got so many nice shots of different flowers and ducks and geese there were too many for a single post (I try to limit myself to 10 pics). Sometimes I wonder if I started doing a single picture every couple days with limited text along with the occasional longer post, if it would dilute my following or increase it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. I actually had the B/W shot as the featured shot for a bit, but the post wasn’t attracting any attention so I figured I should feature something a bit shinier.


      1. So WordPress readers tend to respond to bright shiny objects? LOL…. The truth finally emerges about the supposed intelligent, enlightened readers. They’re just reading your blogs during the commercial breaks of Jerry Springer. 😄

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Looks like I’m all caught up on your blog, Dave! I’ve missed it during my period of absence (mostly) from the Internet. Holidays, household doings…
    Plus I do like to get away from screen(s) n occasion.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m flattered that you were interested in the backlog, thanks for reading. Must have been interesting taking a break from the Internet, and having a real life rather than a virtual one.

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